What’s the one overt message you need?
Pathetic as it may seem, we’ve never made a pull-up banner for the business. The main problem has always been “What’s the message we want to convey?” and “What will this be used for”. Being cost conscious accountant (dammit!) we want to get the best bang for our buck. A one size fits all (but usually nothing) was our thinking.
Anyway, we’re taking the plunge. Wasn’t keen on Version 1. Version 2 got better. Then we thought, dammit- let’s just
push the boat out!. So here’s version 3. We’re trying for one overt message that is will grab attention. At the end of the
day, you can’t sell to anybody unless they’re talking to you. So, why not get people to talk?
What do you think? I reckon that it’s easy enough to change the message, but it’s better to make a move. Things can always be
changed but there is no point in being paralysed by trying to make it perfect!
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