Innovation in Business Lending

We’re seeing a number of businesses struggling with cashflow this year, sometimes because customers are not paying promptly, sometimes because growth strategies always need upfront investment.  The most common form of working capital finance has traditionally been bank overdraft secured over the business and director guarantees, but there are some new players on the block. 

The Airbnb Tax - GST on Online Marketplaces

If you provide services through an online marketplace (i.e. a website or an app like Airbnb, or Uber) from 1 April 2024, the online marketplace will collect and return GST on the sale.

Anne's Big News

Our founder, creator, chief strategist, early adopter, and resident hair colour guru, Anne Stephenson is set to hang up the tools at the end of the month.  Mostly! 
Anne will remain involved in a part-time capacity (one day per week), working alongside the team on key strategic projects. 
In her words “I’m not disappearing off the face of the earth, but will be helping the team with advisory work, and helping NZ businesses continue to thrive - the fun stuff”.  

Trust Tax Rate Webinar

In this webinar we cover a timeline of Trust Law in NZ, the key changes included in the Trust Act 2019, what you need to know is changing, and what you may need to be doing.  

Trust Tax Rate Increase

Back in May 2023, the Labour government announced that the tax rate for Trusts would increase to 39% from 1 April 2024. At the time the top personal tax rate was increased to 39% back in 2021, the government signalled that if they found signs that Trusts were being used to avoid the higher tax rate, then they would take action. The new government has said they will continue with this tax increase and are unlikely to reduce trust tax rates within their first term. 

Cyber Security

We’ve all heard the buzz words “AI” and “Chat GPT” floating around the last year with regards to new advances in technology. It’s the rise of artificial intelligence which serves as a reminder the importance of have good cybersecurity habits in your business. But what does it all mean? And what impact can a cyberattack have on your business?

2023 Economic Trends: SME Insights

As we enter into the new year, it's important for small business owners to be aware of the economic trends that may impact their operations. Despite inflation likely past it's peak in 2022, we expect it to hang around in 2023 with several implications for small business owners

Departing words from Devoe

After 5 years with Connected Accountants, Devoe is taking the next step in his career overseas in London. Read through his reflection on what has made a difference in his five year journey with Connected Accountants. 

It's been 12 months and I've achieved... what?

Doing something over and over even when it fails is insanity. Read through three simple questions that will help you reflect on the past, find areas of improvement, and innovate into next year.

Keep Your Finger on the Pulse with Smart Reporting Tools

We're diving into the smart reporting tools we use to mitigate problems small businesses face in this tough economy. These discussed are great resources for small business owners to lean on. Check out the blog to discover how we can help you keep your finger on the pulse of your business.

Connected Accountants 20 Years On

Founder Anne Stephenson's illustrates the many trials and tribulations experienced in the foundational years, the lessons learnt over two decades in business, and the resilience and fortitude of Connected Accountants today. 

NZ Government Budget 2022 - Key Outcomes for SMEs

We’ve delved into the 2022 budget and identified several of the key areas of interest for SMEs to help you understand exactly how this year’s expenditure will affect businesses like yours.

E-invoicing – simple, secure and fast. Are you ready to reap the benefits?

E-invoicing (electronic invoicing) is a government-backed initiative in New Zealand and Australia that reduces processing time and saves on costs. Find out how to reap the rewards of e-invoicing to improve accuracy, security and processing time.

Residential Rule Changes – An indication of things to come

In March 2021, the government announced a number of changes to residential rental tax rules aimed at disincentivising investors from buying existing residential rental properties and making investment into new builds more attractive. Here's what we know

Art Show from Surviving to Thriving

We are long-time supporters of the NZ Art Show and 2020’s show taught us to do things differently. This year we also worked differently to keep within budgets, planning for the worst – but hoping for the best. In fact, we even managed to beat our previous sales figures – with $2mil raised in support of artists!

Sustainable Business is Better Business

A sustainable business focus is no longer the domain of good intentions. More and more future focused SMEs are looking to sustainable business practices to create long-term financial success, brand differentiation and improved social, environmental, and cultural outcomes. Wondering how to make your business more sustainable? Read more here 

A Graduate's Perspective

Our graduate accountant Rachel Dickie has written a great blog about life as a graduate accountant that touches on how she coped with covid as a new starter. Rachel talks about how being paperless and in the cloud allowed her to head home for lockdown while still engaging with the team and clients. It’s been wonderful to see Rachel grow in her role here and we are delighted to read that she values her time with us too! 

The Four Day Work Week - Final comments from our Directors

We first started our trial of the 4DWW in February 2020.  After close to 12 months on trial, we have decided that it works sufficiently well for us to implement it permanently.  We’ve had a lot of interest from others about our experiment, so we thought we’d pass on some of our learnings.

The Four Day Work Week - Comments from our Team

Here is were we will be adding our own comments and observations about the four-day work week. Feel free to get in touch if you want to discuss any of these comments.

A trap that causes many businesses to go broke, while they’re making a profit

There’s a saying in business, “You can go broke making a profit.” In this blog post Anne Stephenson talks through common cash problems in business, how you can sleep better at night and what a cashflow forecast will mean for you. We also created a document outlining the top 10 ways you can improve cashflow within your business.

3 reasons your business needs a budget now

For many, the word ‘budget’ is about as appealing as the word ‘diet’.  It seems to imply what you will go without, rather than what you will achieve. A budget should be treated like a map and not a diet. Successful business owners see budgets as a way to help set clear targets that they monitor closely and adjust as they go throughout the year.

In this blog post Anne Stephenson outlines 3 compelling reasons your business needs a budget NOW!

Election 2020 and what it means for New Zealand taxpayers

Politicians make many promises in the lead up to an election and taxes are always front-and-centre. That's because tax revenue is what makes the promises possible. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a situation where the government needs to spend a lot of money to support our health system and to aid our financial recovery.

Steve Dawson has taken a look at the party tax policies for those at the table, what is likely to happen with Labour in power, and what this means for you.

The link between leadership and wellbeing

Connected Accountants invests in wellbeing and has set about making it a core plank of our strategy. It isn’t a ‘set and forget’ but an ongoing commitment to improve and focus on the wellbeing of our team. We want our whole team to be happy and healthy and for that positivity to be felt by the customers we work with and the community that we operate within. Craig Hudson from Xero recently presented a personal and business case as to why empathetic leadership matters for you, your team, and your business and what you can do to help set the wheels in motion.

Is Open Banking the Future?

Open banking is a global trend that presents opportunities for SME’s in customer experience and business finance. We are on the cusp of radical changes in the financial system that will increase the efficiencies of getting paid, making payments, and securing fairer access to capital. Read more on how these advancements in technology will aid in a more efficienct and improved financial system which enables better advice for better business.

Trust Law Changes - Into the 21st Century

From January 2021 a new Trustee Act will come into effect bringing with it new expectations on trustees.  A number of the changes are around the duties, obligations and responsibilities of the trustees to the beneficiaries.  With somewhere between 300,000 - 500,000 trusts in NZ, these changes will have a wide-ranging impact. Have a read through what it may mean for you and your family trust.

Effective KPIs

Developing effective KPIs for your business and your team requires a balanced approach that looks at your business from the perspective of all stakeholders.

COVID-19 | Latest Updates

An update of financial assistance available to businesses at 24th of August 2020.

COVID | Danger & Opportunity

Weiji is the Chinese symbol for crisis, often said to include two concepts; danger + opportunity.  Whether that is true or not, it certainly includes the idea of being at a point where things change and there is no doubt that we’re in that spot right now.  

COVID Update | Plan to Recover

An update and some practical tips on making the most of the business support available from the government and banks. Plan now to position your business to recover with strength. 

Covid-19 - Advice for Better Business

Surviving Covid-19 >> practical tips for better business

Help Available to NZ Business - COVID-19

In response to COVID-19 the Government is acting to support the economy, with a particular focus on small businesses, supporting employees, and taxes. The package includes wage subsidy schemes, leave and self-isolation support and business cash flow and tax measures. More info within...

Naming your business

Choosing a name is an important step in getting your business off to a great start. We sat down with Richie Connell of Thrival Partners and Matthew Hayes of AJ Park to see what they think is important.

The four-day work week - a trial for Connected Accountants

The four-day work week is a popular topic at the moment, and we have been listening. We have looked at the studies. So lets give it a crack.

It's been 12 months and I have achieved what?

Doing something over and over even when it fails is insanity. Here’s 3 simple questions that will help you reflect on the past and plan for the future.

Documenting your sales process

Businesses that follow a documented sales process generate more revenue. What’s your process? How do you ensure you and your […]

How to pick the right add-on apps for your Business

In today’s technology crazed world, there are apps to solve problems you’ve never even heard of. With over 500 different […]